South West Bottlenose Dolphins

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We were lucky enough to spot the South West’s resident inshore pod of bottlenose dolphins yesterday from the cliffs of Porthcurno, Cornwall, Whilst out on our daily walk. The inshore group is thought to consist of thirty six animals but it looks like this could be growing, look carefully, is that a mum and calf?…

Sunfish Of Mounts Bay Cornwall

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Sunfish or Mola, which in Latin means milestone, that somewhat describes their appearance, are a curious but amazing visitor to our coast. Arriving in mid to late summer.  They can be seen lying on the water surface with their dorsal fin slowly flapping to and fro.  Strange behaviour you may think, but nature has it’s…

Harbour Porpoises of Mounts Bay

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It’s always a joy to see these guys. Tricky to photograph, they pop to the surface to take a breath and then they’re gone again. Mounts Bay in Cornwall is such a special place for them. Studies have shown the ratio of calfs to adults is one of, if not the, highest in the world.…

Longships Lighthouse

By Iain Harper

We visit the iconic Longships Lighthouse on our 3-hour Wildlife Watching Tour and often see grey seals basking on the rocks. Here’s a brief history of the lighthouse… Longships Lighthouse was built by Trinity House in 1875 to replace a shorter tower built upon rocks at the extreme south-west of Britain’s mainland The headland is…

Grey Seals

By Iain Harper

We’re lucky and often see these fantastic animals during our Wildlife Watching Tours along the mainland coast and in more abundance further off shore on the rocky Islets of Wolf Rock and Longships. Description: Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) have grey and brown fur, sometimes with a pattern of blotches; no ears visible; long muzzle; nostrils parallel;…